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Come Visit Us
Java Joe’s
906 Park Ave SW #3045
Albuquerque, NM
(505) 765-1514
About Us
Dedicated to Quality
A local Favorite for over 20 years, we’ve been providing our customers with fresh roasted small farm or organic coffee on a daily basis. We work with Rasband Dairy a local dairy for all our milk and cream needs. We also source fresh produce from local growers when available.
Stay a While
Sunny days guarantee that our patio will be full of guests enjoying a drink or treat. Head on inside and check out the local art featuring a new artist just about every month. On the weekends sit back enjoy your meal and you just might catch a local musician performing for your pleasure.
More than Drinks
Although we offer a wide variety of hot and iced drinks, we also provide savory and sweet food options. So whether you’re stopping for your morning coffee, lunch, or an afternoon snack, we’ve got you covered! And don’t forget, breakfast is served all day.